This app lets you trade Bitcoin without an internet connection

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This app lets you trade Bitcoin without an internet connection – but there’s a catch

If you’re a cryptocurrency trader and often find often find yourself dealing with a spotty internet connection or none at all, there’s now a way to make transactions offline.
goTenna, a decentralized communications startup based in New York, has partnered with Samourai Bitcoin Wallet to create an app that lets you trade Bitcoins even when your device isn’t connected to the web.
But, it won’t be all that simple though. For one, you will need to have a goTenna mesh device that costs $179. The device pairs with your phone to create a mesh network with other goTenna users, allowing you to transmit information over a long range without cellular data or Wi-Fi, using UHF frequencies.
The app, named TxTenna, works by creating a channel between the Samourai Wallet and the goTenna mesh device.
The users create a standard bitcoin transaction on their Samourai Wallet as usual, but without requiring internet access. The transaction information is passed to the TxTenna App, which broadcasts it to nearby mesh nodes via the paired goTenna mesh device.
Each goTenna device will relay the transaction information to further devices, until it reaches one that’s connected to the internet and also running the TxTenna app. When that last device syncs with a phone, it’ll send your transaction info through to the Bitcoin network.

May 15, 2018 by Neer Varshney

Bitcoin exchange Coinbase opens Chicago office in bid to attract investors, local talent

Coinbase, a digital currency exchange based in San Francisco, has opened a Chicago office to be close to burgeoning digital currency markets, big investors and what its leaders say is a vast pool of local talent.
The appetite for bitcoin and other digital currencies has grown exponentially in recent years as they’ve gained legitimacy across the world. And while digital currency is still not widely used or understood by many average consumers, Chicago’s two main exchanges, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and the Chicago Board Options Exchange, became the first traditional exchanges to trade the financial products late last year, lending credibility to bitcoin and its lesser-known digital brethren.
Coinbase is already one of the largest digital currency exchanges around the world. Coinbase’s Chicago office will serve as a central hub for some back-office technology behind the company’s products, said Paul Bauerschmidt, a former CME executive, who is leading the Chicago office.
“It’s similar to an exchange that you’d see with ICE (Intercontinental Exchange) or CME or CBOE,” he said.
Recruiting people who are able to build and maintain these complicated systems, especially with financial experience, is difficult in other cities, Bauerschmidt said.
“The talent that’s here in Chicago, you can’t find anywhere else,” he said. “And especially getting as many of the key staff as we need. It’s really exciting to be able to build it here.”
The Chicago office also will focus on courting institutional investors, which manage assets on others’ behalf, like banks, hedge funds, mutual funds or pension funds, Bauerschmidt said.

May 15, 2018 by Samantha Bomkamp


Cannes: Can Blockchain Become an Industry Game-Changer?

The Croisette is buzzing about how the new technology could radically alter everything from the way movies are funded to how consumers access content.The buzz surrounding blockchain technology and its potential to improve, disrupt or transform the film business has reached a near fever pitch in Cannes, with new companies swamping the Croisette, some promising nothing less than a revolution.Understanding the technology is hard enough — blockchain is a coding system that can be used to create digital ledgers to record and verify transactions of various kinds on a secure, encrypted and decentralized platform — but what’s really tricky is separating the hype, and the various business models, from the impact they are likely to have on the indie film industry. THR spoke to some of the biggest names in this rapidly developing field to sort through the buzz and the babble, and look at five ways blockchain might (or might not) change everything.

May 9, 2018 by Scott Roxborough


Blockchain company ConsenSys to create 60 jobs with new Dublin studio

ConsenSys, a Brooklyn-based start-up established by the co-founder of cryptocurrency ethereum which was recently selected by the European Commission to help it gets to grips with blockchain technology, is to open a new facility in Dublin that will lead to the creation of 60 jobs.
The company, which serves as a “decentralised blockchain production studio” was established by Joe Lubin in October 2014. Mr Lubin previously helped to set-up ethereum, currently one of the most valuable cryptocurrencies.
The new Dublin-based Innovation Studio will be a multi-functional facility including a development lab, where engineers will build and deliver ethereum-based blockchain platforms and products stemming from the company’s consulting arm, ConsenSys Solutions, as well as a centre for client collaboration.
The studios will also work on decentralised applications and ‘spoke’ companies as part of ConsenSys’ venture studio, ConsenSys Labs, the company said.
Dublin will be ConsenSys’ third hub in Europe and fourth in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA), adding to facilities in London, Dubai and Paris.
ConsenSys, which employs more than 600 people globally, said it is looking to have 60 people based in the Dublin Studio within a year, with 70 per cent of the team being blockchain and full-stack engineers.
The Dublin studio will be led by Lory Kehoe, who was previously at Deloittewhere he founded and was a director of the EMEA Blockchain Lab for nearly three years.
Mr Kehoe also previously collaborated with Keith Fingleton, chief information officer at IDA Ireland to establish the Irish Blockchain Expert Group, a group of start-ups, public service entities, universities and multinationals working to make Ireland a hub for blockchain projects and industry talent.

May 9, 2018 by Charlie Taylor


CMOs Can Construct A More Effective Strategy With Blockchain

As the central technology for cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, blockchain has been touted as a disruptive solution for the financial environment. However, as blockchain as developed, other non-financial applications have developed. These include everything from cloud storage and contracts to online security, fraud detection, and the Internet of Things connectivity.
However, there's even more that blockchain can do for marketers, including revolutionizing how strategies are developed within an organization. And, that starts with marketing. Already, marketing technology is growing by leaps and bounds with more options and ways to better align your strategy with your audience. Here's how this technology could change how you develop your marketing strategy in order to create a more targeted and personalized approach to what you implement.
Let's start with what has become the driving force of any marketing strategy: Data. With the proliferation of data now within reach to tell you everything you need to know about your target audience and potential audience, it should be a breeze developing a personalized strategy for each segment, right?
Nope. As you know, it's only become more complicated. It can seem overwhelming as to where to start with all that data. That's where blockchain comes in. The technology is one of the most effective ways to collect, organize, and analyze data, This is especially true when combined with artificial intelligence.

May 9, 2018 by Steve Olenski



Starbit aims at spreading theoretical - practical knowledge among ordinary people, without being an expert or willing to become an expert. Starbit is aware of the impact that blockchain and crypto currencies will have on people's lives: for this reason it promotes a mass literacy.
Starbit selects everything needed for a person to be informed and about blockchain technologies and various applications, making it easier, in a progressive manner, accessible to all, thus saving time and resources to anyone interested in this area. The goal is to offer various degrees of knowledge (first level is free as Club Member, or included in Blockchain Information Packages for customers) to those who are interested in playing an acting rule. Starbit also offers an opportunity to those who want to transform all this in a work from home opportunity.
DISCLAIMER: Registration to the Club is totally free and gives access to the basic information on Blockchain and its applications on the market, the most important of which is constituted by the so-called crypto currencies. At the Club members who are interested in having a more complete knowledge and information is also offered the possibility (it is an option, not an obligation) to buy an Information Pack of 2 or 12 months (The acquisition of knowledge is a fact known to be progressive over time). The information pack includes in addition to a continuous theoretical section, a practice section with the use of an authomatic software (artificial intelligence) also designed to generate itself specific information that the customer can see, compare, analyze (the extent, with the frequency and with the intensity that will choose autonomously). For this section is included in the cost of the package also making available remotely, for the entire period, specific robot software. Any coins (among those chosen for the practical exercise) that may result gradually, will of course be the exclusive property of the customer and should not be considered in any relationship with the information package purchased. For maximum clarity applies the following example: if a person acquires an organic farming course that includes in addition to the theory, also a practical detection of cultivation of an organic garden (like Michelle Obama at the White House), any products (carrots, tomatoes, peas, etc.) that will enrich his table, will obviously be of full ownership of those who have grown the organic garden and will not of course no relation to the person who sold the course, even if he has supplied the equipment for the practical test, such as seeds, tools, pots, fertilizers, various preparations, etc. Subscribers to the Club have the power to start the business, if authorized and in acceptance of all the terms and conditions for the Promoter, explained in the Promoter Agreement and in the Policies and Procedures. They should not incur any fees and never any obligation to buy anything. If as a result of the promotion done, some new Club member, decide to buy a package Information, the Promoter will receive a commercial fee as provided by the terms and conditions above mentioned. It is not authorized anyone to provide news other than those listed here and on the official website, to promise false gains and / or try to push the purchase of the Information Package, which must instead be the result of personal conviction. In particular, it must never be made no reference to any kind of investment if not purely cultural nature. This Club is fully committed to compliance with the laws of the countries in which it operates. It's also open to collaboration with those who help him to improve.For each queries or suggestions please contact via the official website. For questions please contact


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