Germany Follows Russia: Government To Outline Crypto Strategy By Mid-2019

Germany Follows Russia: Government To Outline Crypto Strategy By Mid-2019

The Cabinet of Germany has revealed that it will introduce a blockchain strategy for the country by mid-2019, which follows decisions by other countries, such as Russia, to introduce clear regulations on the validity and status of cryptocurrency in their respective countries.
A document was released which outlined their intentions for the emerging digital asset class. The German Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy will be designing the strategy, but other departments will also contribute to the regulatory framework.
Reuters has reported that the German government has been in touch with companies and industry groups that could become stakeholders in what is a burgeoning industry.
The report reads:
According to the sources, companies and industry groups that could become stakeholders in a blockchain deployment process in Europe’s biggest economy were invited to supply recommendations from this week onwards. While concrete results were being sought, it was as yet unclear whether those would immediately materialize in any legislative moves, they said. Blockchain startups have said that without a legal framework, there are high entrance hurdles. Governments urge caution toward cryptocurrencies that run on the technology.

March 2, 2019 by Abhimanyu Krishnan



President of HKEx on incorporating Blockchain into the Shanghai-Shenzhen-Hong Kong
Stock Connect

As a financial center of Asia, Hong Kong is a model of globalization. With the slowdown of global economic development in recent years, Hong Kong has been greatly affected. As one of the key technologies of financial technology, blockchain’s importance is self-evident for Hong Kong, which is a finance hub and is looking for technology breakthrough.
On February 28, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange announced “Strategic Planning 2019-2021”. This three-year plan outlined the development blueprint for the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in the next three years.
Through the “Strategic Plan 2019-2021” of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Li Xiaojia, president of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, pointed out that in the future, the HKEx will accelerate pace of reforming its core system and improve efficiency of its market operations on the premise of ensuring stable operation of the market.
In the adoption of new technologies, HKEx will gradually explore new technology applications including blockchain and cloud computing in a pilot-based manner. For example, the HKEx will apply blockchain technology in the post-transaction allocation of the Shanghai-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect.
At present, the development of blockchain is getting more and more fierce. On February 28th, China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) released the 43rd Statistical Report on Internet Development in China.
According to the report, as of June 2018, the number of blockchain companies in the United States, China, and the United Kingdom ranked top three. A total of 298 companies in China are active in the blockchain industry ecosystem.
The top five cities in terms of blockchain enterprises are Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hangzhou and Guangzhou. Among them, Beijing ranks first among 175 blockchain enterprises. In 2017, the Hangzhou government plans to build a “blockchain city”. This move is an attempt to realize the “Blockchain 10 Policies” in Guangzhou Huangpu District and the development zone. In April 2018, the “Hangzhou Blockchain Industrial Park in China” was established, consciously occupying the active position, actively guiding the development of the industry and seizing the commanding heights.

February 28, 2019 by Global Coin Research Team


Litecoin Is Rocketing, Boosting Bitcoin And Ethereum--Here's Why

Litecoin, currently the world's fifth largest major cryptocurrency by value, has leaped higher today following a steady rise over the last few days, pushing bitcoin, ethereum, and the wider cryptocurrency market higher.
The litecoin price, which is some 85% down from its all-time highs, has risen 17% over the last 24 hours to a year-to-date high of $55. Litecoin began the year at just over $30 per coin.
Bitcoin has meanwhile added 3%, according to CoinMarketCap data, as traders and investors again try to cross the psychological $4,000 mark, with data signaling the long-running bitcoin bear market could be coming to an end. Ethereum rose almost 8% over the last 24 hours, buoyed by the wider market.
Litecoin's rally, which has seen some $500 million added to its market capitalization over the last 24 hour period, comes as the crisis-hit Venezuela launches a government-sanctioned cryptocurrency remittance service, allowing users to send bitcoin and litecoin into the country.
People in Venezuela have been struggling against economic collapse and hyperinflation over recent years, with the president Nicolas Maduro clinging onto power despite a U.S.-backed challenge from opposition leader Juan Guaido and international sanctions.
The service is designed to "guarantee financial inclusion along with the social protection of the people of Venezuela" though it warns it could be disabled at any time "depending on the availability of funds in bolívars."
“Remesas is a service of the Patria Platform that allows you to send remittances to Venezuela in cryptocurrencies," according to the government's Patria website. "The resources sent will be available in sovereign bolivars in the Monedero Patria as soon as the transfer is confirmed."
Use of bitcoin, litecoin and other cryptocurrencies in Venezula has risen over recent months as people trade on platforms such as LocalBitcoins to dodge international sanctions and the collapsing bolívar.
There were more than 25 billion bolívars traded on LocalBitcoins last week, according to CoinDance data.
Others have meanwhile suggested litecoin has benefitted in recent months from developer efforts to improve security and privacy and several high-profile partnerships—as well as its upcoming halving event.
“A combination of climbing crypto volumes and their ability to sustain these levels has created a welcome change for investors. In turn, this has given crypto prices a real boost over the last 24 hours, allowing market momentum to stretch its legs again," said Mati Greenspan, senior market analyst at brokerage eToro.

March 6, 2019 by Billy Bambrough


Blockchain Spending in 2019 to Grow to $2.9 Billion, 88.7% Growth Since 2018


The amount spent on blockchain technology by businesses seeking to utilise the trust-enhancing features of distributed ledgers is expected to grow to $2.9 million in 2019. This would represent a growth of 88.7% over the $1.5 billion spent on the technology during 2018.
The reported figures come from the International Data Corporation (IDC) who recently updated its “Worldwide Semiannual Blockchain Spending Guide.” According to a representative for the IDC, the tech has moved out of the design phase and into actual use and this shift will drive a lot of the expected spending through the next ten months.
New Industries Finding New Ways to Use Blockchain.
The IDC report states that the financial sector will continue to account for the lion’s share of the spending on blockchain technology during 2019. The estimated figure here is $1.1 billion. This will come from a variety of interests, including: banking, securities and investment services, and insurers.
Another notable sector expected to be a part of the group of biggest blockchain spenders is that of manufacturing and resources. These industries will reportedly account for $653 million combined. They are also expected to see the largest growth in spending over the entire five year period with a CAGR of 77.6%.
Coming close behind manufacturing and resources is the distribution and services industries. Firms doing business in these industries  are expected to spend $642 billion on exploring and implementing blockchain technology during 2019.
According to IDC vice president of the Customer Insights and Analysis programme, Jessica Goepfert, the technology is still very much in its infancy and businesses are still at the phase of explosive innovation when it comes to its implications:
“The use cases that comprise the blockchain opportunity are developing as swiftly as the technologies enabling it. While spending for more developed use cases in the financial sector like trade finance and cross-border payments is still healthy and growing strong, relative to six months ago we’ve seen an acceleration in spending across a variety of other areas, such as energy settlements and warranty claims.”
As part of the report, documenting the five year period between 2018 and 2022, the IDC states that it expects the total spent on blockchain to reach $12.4 billion by the final year of the sample.

March 4, 2019 by Rick D.

China, censorship and the blockchain quandary

Thanks to blockchain, internet users have achieved some victories in the fight against China’s strict internet censorship.
One historic moment arose in April, 2018. Peking University‘s former student, Yue Xin, had penned a letter detailing the university’s attempts to hide sexual misconduct. The case involved a student, Gao Yan, who committed suicide in 1998 after a professor sexually assaulted and then harassed her.
The letter was blocked by Chinese social networking websites, but an anonymous user posted it on the Ethereum blockchain.
In another case, in July, Chinese citizens used blockchain to preserve an investigative story which condemned inferior vaccines being given to Chinese babies. The vaccines produced by Shenzhen-based Changsheng Bio-Tech failed to fight tetanus and whooping cough. The company has also allegedly faked data for about 113,000 doses of human rabies vaccine.
A blockchain is a secure database stored in a distributed set of computers. Every addition to the database must be digitally signed, making clear who is changing what and when.
To ensure that only authorized users have access to the information, blockchains use cryptography-based digital signatures that verify identities. A user signs transactions with a “private key,” which is generated when an an account is created. A private key typically is a long and random alphanumeric code, known only to the person who controls the account.
Using complicated algorithms, blockchains also create “public keys” from private keys. Public keys are known to the public and make it possible to share information. For instance, a Bitcoin wallet address is a public key. Any Bitcoin user can send payments to that address. However, only the person with the private key can spend the Bitcoin.
From researching blockchain and China’s internet control measures, I can see that blockchain systems’ features are in conflict with the goals of the Chinese Communist Party. Truly decentralized blockchains will challenge the ability of authoritarian nations to maintain a tight grip over their populations.


Blockchain makes censorship extremely difficult.

March 1, 2019 by Nir Kshetri



Starbit aims at spreading theoretical - practical knowledge among ordinary people, without being an expert or willing to become an expert. Starbit is aware of the impact that blockchain and crypto currencies will have on people's lives: for this reason it promotes a mass literacy.
Starbit selects everything needed for a person to be informed and about blockchain technologies and various applications, making it easier, in a progressive manner, accessible to all, thus saving time and resources to anyone interested in this area. The goal is to offer various degrees of knowledge (first level is free as Club Member and the others included in the products purchasable by customers) to those who are interested in playing an acting rule. Starbit also offers an opportunity to those who want to transform all this in a work from home opportunity.
Registration to the Club is totally free and gives access to the basic information on Blockchain and its applications on the market, the most important of which is constituted by the so-called crypto currencies. At the Club members who are interested in having a more complete knowledge and information is also offered the possibility (it is an option, not an obligation) to buy upgradable services or applications (the acquisition of knowledge is a fact known to be progressive over time).
Any coins  (when free attributed by third parties) that may result gradually, will of course be the exclusive property of the customer and should not be considered in any relationship the servicies or applications purchased.
For maximum clarity applies the following example: if a person acquires an organic farming course that includes in addition to the theory, also a practical detection of cultivation of an organic garden (like was done by Michelle Obama at the White House), any products (carrots, tomatoes, peas, etc.) that will enrich his table, will obviously be of full ownership of those who have grown the organic garden and will not of course no relation to the person who sold the course, even if he has supplied the equipment for the practical test, such as seeds, tools, pots, fertilizers, various preparations, etc.
Subscribers to the Club have the power to start the business, if authorized and in acceptance of all the terms and conditions for the Promoter, explained in the Promoter Agreement and in the Policies and Procedures. They should not incur any fees and never any obligation to buy anything. If as a result of the promotion done, some new Club member, decide to buy a package Information, the Promoter will receive a commercial fee as provided by the terms and conditions above mentioned. It is not authorized anyone to provide news other than those listed here and on the official website, to promise false gains and / or try to push the purchase of the products, which must instead be the result of personal conviction. In particular, it must never be made no reference to any kind of investment if not purely cultural nature. This Club is fully committed to compliance with the laws of the countries in which it operates. It's also open to collaboration with those who help him to improve.For each queries or suggestions please contact via the official website. For questions please contact


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