A Bitcoin Exchange Boss Thinks Jeff Bezos Will Trigger The Next Bull Run

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A Bitcoin Exchange Boss Thinks Jeff Bezos Will Trigger The Next Bull Run 
Bitcoin and cryptocurrency investors have battened down the hatches for what could be a long crypto winter, the name given to the bitcoin bear marketthat has mauled prices over recent weeks.
But many bitcoin and crypto faithful are eagerly looking towards the next bitcoin price bull run, which they remain confident will come eventually.
Now, the chief executive of major global bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange Binance, Changpeng Zhao, has said he expects Jeff Bezo's online retail giant Amazon to be the catalyst for the next bitcoin bull run.
Changpeng Zhao, often known simply as CZ, took to Twitter to ask his followers what they think the trigger for the next bitcoin bull run will be. When one wag, Crypto Guy @Ankit4043, joked that CZ could spark a bull run by buying all the bitcoins currently in circulation, CZ replied that he couldn't but Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, who's often the world's richest person largely due to Amazon's soaring share price, perhaps could.
"Easier to bring crypto to [Bezos]," CZ tweeted, in response to @Ankit4043 suggesting CZ (who ahead of the recent rout that's wiped billions of dollars from the cryptocurrency market predicted an incoming bull run) should bring Bezos on board at Binance. "Waiting for the day Amazon accepts (or issues) crypto," CZ said.
"I get asked [what will trigger the next bull run] often, and honestly, I don't know the answer, other than keep building," CZ added.

December 10, 2018 by Billy Bambrough


What’s More Volatile, Cryptocurrency or the Lira?

In Turkey’s uncertain economic climate, bitcoin is looking awfully good.
Near the banks of Istanbul’s Golden Horn, a natural harbor that has protected Greek, Roman, Byzantine, and Ottoman trading ships for thousands of years, a billboard displays the Turkish lira’s market rate: its value in dollars, euros, pounds, and bitcoin. That last one might be surprising, given that cryptocurrencies have experienced a massive sell-off this year, with bitcoin plunging as much as 33 percent in November. But its persistence in countries like Turkey points to the future of money and the global financial system. Since October, as bitcoin suffered record losses, trading volumes on Turkish cryptocurrency exchanges increasedby 37 percent.
The summer’s lira crisis—in which Turks saw their life savings, pensions, and investments significantly devalued—paired with the country’s savvy youthful population could help explain why many are searching for alternatives to fiat currency (money backed by government regulation). A pair of recent surveys highlight the draw of cryptocurrency in the country: An ING/Ipsos study conducted between March 26 and April 6 (that is, before the lira crisis) found that 18 percent of Turks surveyed—compared with 9 percent of Europeans—own cryptocurrency. The U.S. rate, according to the study, stood at 8 percent. A Turkish research firm called Twentify found similar numbers in a poll taken after the lira crisis toward the end of August, when bitcoin dropped by nearly 10 perc
ent that month: Nearly one-fifth of survey respondents admitted to purchasing and selling Bitcoin.
The cryptocurrency community’s response to the lira crisis tells a story of how geopolitics, emergent technologies, and financial speculators can converge for better or worse. The short of it involves the fate of an American pastor jailed in Turkey (who was released in August), and retaliatory tariffs by the U.S. against Turkish steel and aluminum imports. After Trump announced the tariffs via Twitter on Aug. 10, the lira lost more than 20 percent of its value in one day. Though the lira has since recovered much of its value, it is still down by more than 30 percent so far this year. Inflation also continues to be a major concern, hitting a 15-year high in September. Analysts warn that the Turkish economy could be heading into a recession.

December 10, 2018 by Sara Nasser



A string of great bitcoin calls makes this Chilean trader a must-follow

“Good morning folks I want to introduce you to the power of bitcoins and I know that you probably didn’t want to hear this on a silver channel but I have to point out its amazing stuff.”
That was June 1, 2011, and it was not Tyler or Cameron Winklevoss, or Barry Silbert or any other crypto heavyweight. It was Chilean software developer Davinci Jeremie and going by his previous calls he might be the least-known bitcoin guru.
In 2011, the gold and silver bug posted a video explaining how he had recently stumbled across this new way to transfer something of value when he made a donation to a local author. “I don’t have to pull out my credit card I didn’t have to type in my address, remember my postal code and all the rest of crap,” he said. “It was instant it was fast there’s no middleman transaction taking a cut 3% cut or more of his money that I sent him it was just smooth and easy.”
However, by the time Jeremie posted his first video about the nascent cryptocurrency in June, he was well on his way to accumulating his stash. He bought his first bitcoin in March 2011 for the princely sum of $1 and at its peak, his portfolio consisted of 3,000 bitcoins and a smattering of altcoins, or digital currencies other than bitcoin.
In a phone interview with MarketWatch, Jeremie said buying bitcoin early on was not easy because the main source of liquidity was an exchange that he refused to deal on, and which would lead to, arguably, his greatest call.
In a 2013 video, he warned investors against holding money and bitcoins with Tokyo-based exchange Mt. Gox. At the time, Mt. Gox was facilitating more than half of all bitcoin transactions world-wide. “It is my opinion that you should abandon Mt. Gox,” he said in a June 23, 2013, video. “I would suggest you move out of it. Do the trade on the day and get out. Do not leave money in there.”
Jeremie said prior hacks, coupled with worsening banking relationships, led him to believe all was not well with the exchange. Six months later, his fears were realized when Mt. Gox announced it had been hacked and 850,000 bitcoins had been stolen, which at the time were worth around $450 million. The heist remains the largest in the history of bitcoin.

December 11, 2018 by Aaron Hankin


Wisdom of the Crowd Could Be Ideal Model to Teach AI
We are all familiar with some of the internet’s largest crowdsourcing experiments, like Wikipedia and Amazon Mechanical Turk. But, crowdsourcing today is being applied to new, high technologies, like artificial intelligence. And it’s the crowd that could humanize our use of AI and help imbue machines of the future with some much-needed common sense.
The increasing resources being put into machine learning and AI ensure that such platforms will only grow more intelligent. But these systems are not yet self-learning. Still, optimism exists in high places for crowdsourced systems.
For instance, Eric Schmidt, Chairman and long-serving CEO to Google, opined back in 2016 that the
next Google will be a crowdsourcing AI company. The crowd can work to label and define data , such as to label a picture to be a sunrise or a sunset. In the future, the crowd will provide diverse data sets, like daily health information about the individual.
This would assist firms to develop new drugs, for instance, and the next generation of crowdsourcing will see the crowd taking payment for data or individuals offering data for free in order to help advance a good cause.
Blockchain for the first time makes it economically feasible to send regular micropayments. This brings potential to incentivize the world’s foremost researchers and institutions to collaborate on a distributed or decentralized version of Watson that’s owned not by a centralized corporation, but rather token holders. This is the model pursued by Seoul-based
Mind AI.
It is this monetary incentive that could be key to pushing AI technology forward as current AI technology is nowhere close to human intelligence, at least in terms of general cognitive ability.
Modern AI doesn’t learn too quickly, and lacks the ability to adapt to abstractions, reasoning, understanding language, and quickly changing circumstances. Deep learning is rudimentary at best in certain language tasks, planning and explaining why actions are undertaken.
There are also questions about the nature of the crowd. What if, in the future, crowds themselves include machines collaborating with the group? Crowdsourcing will then take an interesting turn and involve many people and machines and platforms working together in real-time to generate data and insights.
Could it be that top researchers and research institutions will earn tokens alongside robots?

December 12, 2018 by Aubrey Hansen


UNICEF Adds Six Blockchain Startups From Developing Nations to its Innovation Fund

International children’s charity UNICEF has announced that it will formally support a total of six new blockchain startups through the UNICEF Innovation Fund. As part of the programme, the firms will each receive a share of $100,000 in funding.
Most of the blockchain startups selected for membership in the fund are from a different developing nation. The ideas incubated in them will hopefully go on to increase efficiency and transparency in a variety of industries across the globe in those countries that need it most.
The children’s charity division of the United Nations, UNICEF, clearly sees great promise for blockchain technology to overhaul whole industries, particularly those traditionally rife with fraud and corruption. Its Innovation Fund has already targeted firms specialising in other emerging technological sectors such as data scince, machine learning, virtual reality, and drone technology. The six startups from the blockchain industry will join another 20 fledgling companies from these disparate fields in receipt of funding.
The six companies named in a report by RTT News are: Argentinian enterprise-grade funding platform Atix Labs; Mexico’s Onesmart, which hopes to reduce corruption in emerging markets; medical records management platform Prescrypto (also based in Mexico); the Indian vaccination supply chain system provider Statwig; Utopixar from Tunisia, which is exploring blockchain’s application in community governance; and the W3 Engineers in Bangladesh. This final startup seeks to provide connectivity between economic migrants and refugees without the use of either internet and cellular phone technology.
Along with funding, the startups in the UNICEF Innovation Fund will also receive assistance with developing the projects themselves, along with guidance on growing the businesses.
Over the last year or so, UNICEF has been keen to explore how blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies can benefit charitable causes. NewsBTC has previously reported on the children’s charity’s effort to inspire video gamers to use their surplus hardware to mine digital assets to donate to charity.
Game Chaingers was launched at the start of this year and is raising money for those in need in war torn Syria. The system makes it as easy as possible for gamers to turn their unused processing power into donations to the charity.
A similar tactic was repeated by the charity later this year too. This time, UNICEF Australia launched an initiative called The Hopepage. This simple website allows visitors to donate as much of their own spare processing power as they like to mining the privacy-focused cryptocurrency Monero. The decision was made to mine Monero since it can still be profitably mined using the graphics processing units found in many normal computers today.

December 11, 2018 by Rick D.


Starbit aims at spreading theoretical - practical knowledge among ordinary people, without being an expert or willing to become an expert. Starbit is aware of the impact that blockchain and crypto currencies will have on people's lives: for this reason it promotes a mass literacy.
Starbit selects everything needed for a person to be informed and about blockchain technologies and various applications, making it easier, in a progressive manner, accessible to all, thus saving time and resources to anyone interested in this area. The goal is to offer various degrees of knowledge (first level is free as Club Member and the others included in the products purchasable by customers) to those who are interested in playing an acting rule. Starbit also offers an opportunity to those who want to transform all this in a work from home opportunity.
Registration to the Club is totally free and gives access to the basic information on Blockchain and its applications on the market, the most important of which is constituted by the so-called crypto currencies. At the Club members who are interested in having a more complete knowledge and information is also offered the possibility (it is an option, not an obligation) to buy upgradable services or applications (the acquisition of knowledge is a fact known to be progressive over time).
Any coins  (when free attributed by third parties) that may result gradually, will of course be the exclusive property of the customer and should not be considered in any relationship the servicies or applications purchased.
For maximum clarity applies the following example: if a person acquires an organic farming course that includes in addition to the theory, also a practical detection of cultivation of an organic garden (like was done by Michelle Obama at the White House), any products (carrots, tomatoes, peas, etc.) that will enrich his table, will obviously be of full ownership of those who have grown the organic garden and will not of course no relation to the person who sold the course, even if he has supplied the equipment for the practical test, such as seeds, tools, pots, fertilizers, various preparations, etc.
Subscribers to the Club have the power to start the business, if authorized and in acceptance of all the terms and conditions for the Promoter, explained in the Promoter Agreement and in the Policies and Procedures. They should not incur any fees and never any obligation to buy anything. If as a result of the promotion done, some new Club member, decide to buy a package Information, the Promoter will receive a commercial fee as provided by the terms and conditions above mentioned. It is not authorized anyone to provide news other than those listed here and on the official website, to promise false gains and / or try to push the purchase of the products, which must instead be the result of personal conviction. In particular, it must never be made no reference to any kind of investment if not purely cultural nature. This Club is fully committed to compliance with the laws of the countries in which it operates. It's also open to collaboration with those who help him to improve.For each queries or suggestions please contact via the official website. For questions please contact support@starbit.com.


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