Move to Health day - next May 10,2018

STARBIT shares the World Health Organiziation's actions for physical activity, and suggests you to find out the closest event in order for you to contribute to the success of the initiative. We suggest you to bring a guest with you!

As always, Walkybit is ahead.....

Move to Health day - next May 10,2018  

Currently, the number of registered Move for Health Day events is around 3,000, most of them in South American countries. The number of events has increased with time. In reality, the number of events is much larger than shown above, because on most continents in most countries only a fraction of the events is registered.

In the Move for Health Initiative, WHO encourages a wide range of activities, from formulating local and national policies and strategic plans to increase population participation in physical activity and sports for all to rising public awareness about priority issues related to health and development. Move for Health activities can include, for example, organizing walking, cycling and leisure sport campaigns, promotion streets free from cars, and development of parks and open spaces where people can practice enjoyable physical activities. Local Move for Health activities give possibilities to bring up and demonstrate the large spectrum of physical activities and their potential for a multitude of biological, psychological, and social benefits at individual, family, community, and environmental level.


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