The Mayor of Bogota and Walk 21 are delighted to invite you to join us in Bogota, Colombia, for the XIX International Conference on Walking and Liveable Communities.
STARBIT promote The Mayor of Bogota and Walk 21 are delighted to invite you to join us in Bogota, Colombia, for the XIX International Conference on Walking and Liveable Communities. A thousand politicians, urban planners, civic leaders and academics are expected, and this is your opportunity to share your experience and to be part of the discussion and side events at Walk21 Bogota in October 2018. Bogota, the capital of Colombia, is already internationally known for its commitment to safe and efficient mobility. Behind the headlines of coordinating one of the most successful public transport systems in the world and organising some of the most popular active travel events ever, Mayor Enrique Peñalosa’s personal vision is for a modern, compact interconnected city, that promotes active travel,invests in new and more accessible public spaces and, like all great cities, is both walkable and...