
Visualizzazione dei post da marzo, 2018

WalkyFit measures happiness

WalkyFit measures happiness... Many people connect wellness with health and happiness. If that's true, we are sure that WalkyFit is a great tool to measure happiness. More steps and movements you take, the more wellness, the more happiness.... it is not a small thing! The playful is seriously validated by a scientific research just published by the National Cancer Institute that involved over 1,4 million participants and that scientifically testimony how physical activity increases immune system even for cancer prevention. WalkiFit, is ahead! Get Up and Walk Your Way to Greater Health and Happiness! Many of us probably shun the thought of extra walking instead of driving or commuting to our destinations. I understand. When we get out o...

The first WalkyFit walk in Barcelona on march 10th

The first WalkyFit walk in Barcelona on march 10th, around Nou Camp Stadium. Below the local press release. El día 10 de marzo, en pleno Pulmón de Barcelona, en los alrededores del Camp Nou, iniciamos la primera caminata de WalkyFit!! La App de Bienestar, que te ayuda a mantenerte en forma y saludable, que respeta el medio ambiente evitando la emisión de CO2 y además te introduce en el mundo de la tecnología de forma sencilla y para todos. El 10 de marzo, en Barcelona, daremos el primer paseo Walkyfit, la primera App de fitness que mejora el bienestar respetando el medio ambiente, informando y ayudando a millones de personas a aprender sobre el sector de la Blockchain que está revolucionando el mundo. Un sistema que promueve hábitos diar...

WalkyBit is your personal trainer

WalkyBit is your personal trainer The App that drives you to the care of your shape, well-being and lifestyle... As always, Walkybit is ahead... Here's How to Get in Shape With Exercise Many of us want to get in shape, but exactly does it mean and how do you do it? Getting in shape is an individual experience, depending on your age, preferences, lifestyle and other factors. A mom with four kids may have very different goals from a mountain climber, for example. But, at its heart, getting in shape simply means getting your body strong enough to do what you need it to do day after day. A mom with 4 kids may need to get in shape to have energy, stress relief and the patience to raise 4 kids. A mountain climber needs to build strength and endurance for all the muscles he'll use while hiking. For the average person, it really means working your body more than you are right now. Any time you do more than what you're used to, your body grows stronger, gett...